Quality by dedication


Working at Valdonica
Our Team is the heart of Valdonica – in our Winery, in our Residence and in our Restaurant. All of us are professional and are passionate about what we do. We care about each other and everyone enjoys to balance the work with the beauty of Toscana. In Valdonica we depend on each other – your self-responsibility is our key to success. Better you take a wrong decision than no decision. There is always a team-member around, you can reflect your daily work with. This enables you, this enables all of us – this is how Valdonica flourishes!
We are living diversity & inclusiveness – it inspires our growth personally and professionally: Whatever nationality, gender, age, sexuality, colour…. everyone is welcomed! This is the spirit we live in our vineyards as well as with our guests. We are, who we are … for ourselves, for our team and for our guests.
Seasonal Jobs and Internships are aligned to our season from April till October – returning interns are always welcomed! Internships you find in our Winery as well as in our Residence and Restaurant. We all go through times in our life, when it feels good to take a break: The location, the team, the spirit and the work might be inspiring for you, to find out how to move on in your life!
BEST TO APPLY: In December/January before the season you wish to join the Valdonica-Team.
Permanent Jobs are for todays leaders as well as tomorrows leaders: Leaders of Valdonica run the daily business and shape the future. Future Leaders take more and more responsibilities over the years to grow into their overall leadership capabilities. Solid education as well as some years of work-experience are welcomed. Give it around five years and more to optimise the operations and team in your area of responsibility … you will feel good about the success coming out of your energy.
Find out more below – drop us an email for your application including your CV: job@valdonica.com.
About us
VALDONICA Winery I Residence I Restaurant offers year by year interns to join the team as well as permanent positions. Working at Valdonica is a balance of Work, Spirit & Leisure: Interns work eight hours per day/40 hours per week and they have two work-days off. Interns are coming from all over, this year we had interns from Austria, China, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden.
All of us work professionally and act responsible toward themselves, the team, the guests and Valdonica. We care for each other and are striving for a healthy balance of life and work. All seasonal and permanent team members work independently in their area of responsibility – we fulfill our responsibility for the team and for Valdonica overall. We love quality in every aspect: From the wines, to the guest-rooms, to the food, to the service, to the way how we work with each other… quality means for us caring about the little thing in life, to be professional and passionate about what we do. Permanent team members support the seasonal team-members – we all have the opportunity to learn and Valdonica learns from us.
For a solid experience we prefer Internships of six months, from April till October – minimum Internship is two months: We try to balance your needs with our needs. Valdonica provides and pays for your housing – you will have your room in an apartment, the apartment you share with other interns. All apartments are in our village or neighbouring village. Additionally Valdonica pays pocket-money, depending on the stage of your career path. For permanent positions Valdonica provides equal compensation – in balance with the regional conditions.